Monday, August 24, 2009

Equal Happiness

"A dog has no use for fancy cars, big homes, or designer clothes. A water log stick will do just fine. A dog doesn't care if your rich or poor, clever or dull, smart or dumb. Give him your heart and he'll give you his. How many people can yo...u say that about? How many people can make you feel rare and pure and special? How many people can make you feel extraordinary?"-Marley&Me-Josh Grogan

I just finished watching Marley&Me today,though its a 2008 movie,it doesn't matter because what I've learnt from this movie is so much more worth it than the due date.To the people who have not watch this movie,you better watch it because its just a great movie about the life and love of a family and a wonderful and a wonderful and loyal dog name Marley.You see Marley its just like any other dog,it may not be special,smart or perfect to people but to its owner it is certainly one of a kind.It is the same for those who own dogs,we will always treat our dogs as a special and great dog.It doesnt matter if its cute or not,what matters is that if you care for it,it will do the same to you.That is how i feel about my dog and that is how I am going to keep it forever.Although its just a stray dog,but I certainly do not mind because I love her and she loves me too.That is what matters in life.How useless am I in life,I do not feel like this around my dog because she makes me feel special,extraodinary and loved.How many people can really do this for you?Friends?Its just so rare and uncomfortable at times.Dogs are not just a pretty face where you adore them when their puppies and dump them when they are old.They are just like any other humans and surprisingly they are even better than some.They can be understanding although they can't talk.When your sad or down,they will just look up at you with their hopeful eyes and tell us that everything is ok.

Marley,The Clearance Puppy

Marley at the beach

Marley messed up the garaj..=)..cute

Marley looking up at the camera..

Marley Big Boy

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